Short Stories

Two short stories have been posted under the short story tab. This section will be a collection of stories about certain characters in the main series of The Ascended. It will add background to certain individuals and provide some more insight into their lives before you see them in the main books. More to follow.

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Still I Rise

Both front and back are now ready. Proof copies have been ordered and shipped. The next step is to proofread and make sure no errors get through, and also for the last chance to change anything within the story.

The Ascended – Rise of the Young is bigger, longer, and better than the first book. Enjoy.




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Rise of the Young Cover!

We have finally arrived. The second book is half edited and I am working everyday to get it done as soon as I can. Anyway, enjoy the first look!RiseoftheYoung

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Professor Zero enters the world of the Ascended

Children of War is where the User story begins, but where does it end?ChildrenOfWar




Book 2 – Rise of the Young is the sequel, and already many new characters are being introduced. Professor Zero, is he good or bad? That is the question.

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Book 2 progressing well

So after the release of the first book on Kindle, the passion reignited inside of me to finish book 2 as soon as possible. Prologue, Ch1,2,3,4 have all been done. First draft of course! Excited to write this book and many new and interesting characters are going to appear!



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Children of War Book 1 now available on Amazon Kindle worldwide!

I began writing this book in December 2012, now it is November 2015, almost 3 years since it all started. I feel incredibly grateful for all the support my friends and family have given me, and I hope that the books to follow this one will be even better! Now my first book is available, I will be working on the print editions and making sure this website is updated.



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Prologue to Chapter 3

I have polished and edited the the first three chapters including the prologue. This is now the third draft and the most polished version of them all. I hope you will enjoy reading these chapters and please let me know what you think!



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As this post becomes live, I hope one day when I look back, this is where it all began. As I get my head around improving and updating this site to look more professional, I will also be adding content of my debut novel, Children of War – Book 1 of The Ascension Series. I am excited for it to be released online to the public and also to get feedback on the story, characters and dailogue. The end goal of course is to get this work published in both paper and electronic format. It has begun.


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